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What Happens When You Drink Enough Water

Tridona Bestsellers If you’re reading this: Drink a glass of water. You likely need it, as 75 percent of Americans are described as “chronically dehydrated.” While achieving a state of hydration might seem enviable and impossible, fret not because it’s doable. And the health benefits are not only encouraging, but they are also downright inspiring in the immediate short term, but especially in the long run. “Long-term hydration is the single best thing we can do to prevent chronic illness,” says Dr. Dana Cohen, an integrative medicine specialist in New York and coauthor of Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration . Though the eight-cup rule is popular, there is no one-size-fits-all number. Instead, it’s more of an individual approach. The new general rule of thumb is half your weight in ounces, according to Dr. Cohen. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, you need to drink 60 ounces of water a day.
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COVID-Economics Links (May 13)

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COVID-Economics Links (May 12)

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COVID-Economics Links (May 11)

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COVID-Economics Links (May 9)

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COVID-Economics Links (May 8)

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COVID-Economics Links (May 7)

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COVID-Economics Links (May 6)

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COVID-Economics Links (May 5)

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COVID-Economics Links (May 4)

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COVID-Economics Links (May 3)

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COVID-Economics Daily Links (May 2)

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COVID-Economics Links (May 1)

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COVID-Economics Links (April 30)

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COVID-Economics Links (April 29)

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COVID-Economics Links (April 28)

Blogs, Opinions and Academic papers The Deadly Urgency of Now - Gordon Brown (PS) The COVID-19 Balancing Act Michael J Boskin Brakes or bans: Protecting financial markets during a pandemic  - Laura Kodres (VoxEU) COVID-19 Economic Downturn: What do cyclical norms suggest? - Stephen G Cecchetti and Kermit L. Schoenholtz Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers (Issue 10) - CEPR Scaling up the COVID-19 crisis response now will avoid higher costs later - Ceyla Pazarbasioglu and Ayhan Kose (World Bank) The Evolving Impacts of COVID-19 on Small Businesses Since the CARES Act John Eric Humphries, Christopher Neilson and Gabriel Ulyssea (SSRN) How South Korea Stopped COVID-19 Early - Myoung-Hee Kim How the Tension Between Big Business and Antitrust Will Reshape Post-Covid America - Matt Stoller (ProMarket) Where should the marginal dollar go in U.S. fiscal policy - David Berger and Kyle Herkenhoff (Equitable Growth) Europe must act now to prepare the aftermat...

COVID-Economics Links (April 27)

Blogs, Opinions and Academic papers Still A Long Road Ahead  - Tim Duy Pandemic Lockdown: The Role of Government Commitment  - Christian Moser and Pierre Yared It’s time to expand unemployment protections  - Simeon Djankov and Dorina Georgieva (World Bank) COVID-19 epidemic: Italian workers exposed to risk and the lockdown - Teresa Barbieri, Gaetano Basso, Sergio Scicchitano (VoxEU) Tracking the COVID-19 crisis through the lens of 1.4 billion transactions  - Vasco Carvalho et al (VoxEU) The interaction between Covid-19 and an ageing society  - Andrew Scott, Jonathan David Old (VoxEU) COVID-19 and the poverty of IMF macroeconomics The General Theorist COVID-19 and Households’ Financial Distress Part 4 - St Louis Fed Which workers bear the burden of social distancing policies?  - Simon Mongey, Laura Pilossoph and Alex Weinberg How to think about the EU’s rescue fund - Wolfgang Munchau (FT) News Stocks Jump as Some Coronavirus Lockdo...

COVID-Economics Links (April 26)

Health versus wealth: On the distributional effects of controlling a pandemic  - Jonathan Heathcote, Andrew Glover, Dirk Krueger, Víctor Ríos-Rull (VoxEU) The deflation threat from the virus will be long lasting - Gavyn Davies (FT) CBO’s Current Projections of GDP, Unemployment and Federal Deficit  - Congressional Budget Office Coronavirus Projected to Trigger Worst Economic Downturn Since 1940s - WSJ Cash in the time of corona  - Andreas Joseph, Christiane Kneer, Neeltje van Horen, Jumana Saleheen (VoxEU) Reweaving the social fabric after the crisis - Andrew Haldane (FT) German shops reopen but celebrations in Berlin muted - We need a better head start for the next pandemic  - Mehdi Shiva (VoxEU) Forecasting recoveries is difficult: Evidence from past recessions  - Zidong An, Prakash Loungani (VoxEU) Will central banks serve up fresh stimulus? -

COVID-Economics Links (April 25)

Blogs, Opinions and Academic papers High inflation is unlikely but not impossible in advanced economies  - Olivier Blanchard (PIIE) How Inequality Hurts the Economy and Complicates Policy Responses to the Pandemic  - Atif Mian, Ludwig Straub, and Amir Sufi (ProMarket) Labor Demand in the Time of COVID-19  - Lisa B. Kahn, Fabian Lange and David Wiczer Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers  (Issue 9) - CEPR How will COVID-19 change our schools in the long run?  - Douglas N. Harris (Brookings) Funding the development and manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines: The need for global collective action - Gavin Yamey, Kaci Kennedy and McDade (Brookings) Corona and Financial Stability 4.0: Implementing a European Pandemic Equity Fund - Arnoud Boot et al ( Startups and employment following the COVID-19 pandemic: A calculator  - Petr Sedláček and Vincent Sterk ( A New Capitalisn’t Episode: The Risk Of Reopening – a Read...

COVID-Economics Links (April 24)

Blogs, Opinions and Academic papers A Post-Coronavirus Recovery in Asia—Extending a “Whatever it Takes” Lifeline to Small Businesses  - IMF Blogs The pandemic adds momentum to the deglobalization trend  - Douglas A. Irwin (PIIE) The coronavirus stimulus package: Quantifying the transfer multiplier  - Christian Bayer, Benjamin Born, Ralph Luetticke, Gernot Müller ( National policies in a global pandemic - Thorsten Beck, Wolf Wagner ( Hibernation: Keeping firms afloat during the COVID-19 crisis  - Tatiana Didier, Federico Huneeus, Mauricio Larrain, Sergio Schmukler ( Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers  (Issue 8) - CEPR How Will COVID-19 Affect the Spending of Financially Distressed Households? - Juan Sánchez (St. Louis Fed) Coronavirus: Testing and Freezing - A Survival Strategy for the Swiss Economy - Carlos Alós-Ferrer et al (Univ of Zurich Econ Dept) Improving funding conditions for the real econ...

COVID-Economics Links (April 23)

Blogs, Opinions and Academic papers The Childcare Barriers to Putting America Back to Work - Jonathan Dingel, Christina Patterson and Joseph Vavra (ProMarket) Easing US bank regulations in the COVID-19 pandemic  - Simon Potter (PIIE) In China's economic shock, online retail sales are prospering  - Eva (Yiwen) Zhang and Yi Ji (PIIE ) EU debt as insurance against catastrophic events in the euro area: the key questions and some answers - Guntram Wolff (Bruegel) Facts, not words: the EU role in the de-confinement phase - Jean-Pisany Ferry (Bruegel) How the UK government should respond to the unequal local economic impacts of COVID-19  - Henry Overman ( The value of testing  - Andrea Galeotti, Paolo Surico, Jakub Steiner  ( COVID-19 susceptibility, women, and work  - Graziella Bertocchi  ( The Short-term Liquidity Line: A New IMF Tool to Help in the Crisis  - Geoffrey Okamoto (IMF) Covid-19...

COVID-Economics Links (April 22)

Blogs, Opinions and Academic papers How to implement a comprehensive debt standstill for COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries - Bolton et al ( Why the European Central Bank can save the eurozone - Martin Wolf (FT) A perfect storm: COVID-19 in emerging economies  - Constantino Hevia and Pablo Andrés Neumeyer  ( Don’t Waste the Pandemic Response  - Bertrand Badré (PS) Coping with COVID-19 and oil price collapse in the Gulf Cooperation Council - Rabah Arezki Rachel Yuting Fan and Ha Nguyen (World Bank) Coronavirus poses serious financial risks to US universities  - Dick Startz (Brookings) COVID-19 and gender gaps: Latest evidence and lessons from the UK  - Barbara Petrongolo, Claudia Hupkau  ( COVID-19 and the Trust Deficit  - Michael Spence and David W Brady COVID-19, employment and women in OECD countries  - Monika Queisser, Willem Admea, Chris Clarke  (

COVID-Economics Links (April 21)

Three important questions to answer about global financial stabilization policies amid the coronavirus recession - Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas We need to let economic data guide further economic policy responses to COVID-19  - Jay Shambaugh (Brookings) A policy framework for mitigating the economic impact of COVID-19  - Izvorski et at (Brookings) Urban Density Is Not an Enemy in the Coronavirus Fight: Evidence from China  - Wanli Fang and Sameh Wahba (World Bank) The coronavirus is not gender-blind, nor should we be - Grown and Sánchez-Páramo (World Bank) Now is not the time? - Simon Wren-Lewis Corona shock  (UK effects of COVID-19) -  Cook, Hollowood and Newell Misinformation During a Pandemic - Bursztyn, Rao, Roth and Yanagizawa-Drott (Becker Friedman Institute) The European response to the Covid-19 crisis: A pragmatic proposal to break the impass  - Roberto Perotti  ( Jobs at risk: Policy responses to COVID-19 in...

COVID-Economics Links (April 20)

Rationing Social Contact During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Transmission Risk and Social Benefits of US Locations  - Benzell, Collis and Nicolaides (SSRN) A sustainable exit strategy - Mulheirn et al (Institute for Global Change) The underpinnings of Sweden’s permissive COVID regime  - Niels Karlson, Charlotta Stern, Daniel Klein ( The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the equilibrium interest rate  - Gavin Goy, Jan Willem van den End ( A Post-COVID-19 Digital Bretton Woods - Rohinton P. Medhora and Taylor Owen Innovation in the Pandemic Age - Zhu Min (PS) What we may learn from historical financial crises to understand and mitigate COVID-19 panic buying -  Kilian Rieder Argentina’s creditors must face up to the coronavirus challenge - Kevin P. Gallagher (FT) Covid-19 is bringing out protectionist instincts  - ECB pushes for eurozone bad bank to clean up soured loans  - World Bank pandemic bonds to pay $1...