Blogs, Opinions and Academic papers
- Why the media in UK and US has moved beyond manufacturing consent, and why that has led to a war about reporting COVID-19 - Simon Wren-Lewis
- How to escape the trap of excessive debt - Martin Wolf (FT)
- Viral recessions: Lack of demand during the coronavirus crisis - Veronica Guerrieri, Guido Lorenzoni, Ludwig Straub, Iván Werning (VoxEU)
- Real-time consumer spending responses to the COVID-19 crisis and government lockdown - Dimitris K. Chronopoulos, Marcel Lukas, John O.S. Wilson (VoxEU)
- Southern European and emerging market firms are under severe distress - Erica Bosio, Simeon Djankov (VoxEU)
- German court has set a bomb under the EU legal order - Martin Sandbu
- Real-time labour market estimates during the 2020 coronavirus outbreak - Alexander Bick, Adam Blandin (VoxEU)
- Fiscal Policy During a Pandemic - Miguel Faria-e-Castro (SSRN)
- The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on individual mobility - Martin Kahanec, Lukas Laffers and J Scott Marcus (Bruegel)
- Pandemic Policy in Developing Countries: Recommendations for India - Shruti Rajagopalan and Alexander T. Tabarrok (SSRN)
- Making sense of the monthly jobs report during the COVID-19 pandemic - Stephanie Aaronson (Brookings)
- The unreal dichotomy in COVID-19 mortality between high-income and developing countries -
- Philip Schellekens and Diego Sourrouille (Brookings)
- China's net PPE exports plummeted in early 2020 but are recovering - Chad P. Bown (PIIE)
- The Misguided War on Global Value Chains - Célestin Monga (PS)
- COVID-19: We’re tracking digital responses worldwide. Here’s what we see - Tania Begazo (World Bank)
- Modigliani Meets Minsky: Inequality, Debt, and Financial Fragility in America, 1950-2016 - Bartscher, Kuhn, Schularick and Steins
- Given what we’re losing in GDP, we should be spending far more to develop tests - Lawrence Summers (Washington Post)
- Debt relief: which countries are most vulnerable? - FT
- German court ruling casts doubt on European monetary policy - FT
- For microfinance lenders, covid-19 is an existential threat - The Economist
- Opening up economies drives risk sentiment - FT
- How Long-Feared ‘Monetary Finance’ Becomes Mainstream - Washington Post
- Economic recovery: no favours from savers - FT
- Why There’s a Looming Debt Crisis in Emerging Markets - The Washington Post
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