Blogs, Opinions and Academic papers
- The monetary policy response to the pandemic emergency - Philip R. Lane (ECB)
- What’s the Fed doing in response to the COVID-19 crisis? What more could it do? - Jeffrey Cheng, Dave Skidmore, and David Wessel (Brookings)
- Alternative scenarios for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic activity in the euro area - ECB
- The Eurozone COVID-19 Crisis: EU Policy Options - CFM Surveys
- Economic policy incentives in the fight against pandemics - Roberto Chang, Andres Velasco (VoxEU)
- Guidelines for cost-effective use of SURE - Almut Balleer, Britta Gehrke, Brigitte Hochmuth, Christian Merkl (VoxEU)
- Lockdown contraction is not following usual economic script - Chris Giles (FT)
- The economic risk from COVID-19 is not where COVID-19 is Ilan Noy, Nguyen Doan, Benno Ferrarini, Donghyun Park (VoxEU)
- To protect public health, preserve the global value chains Anna Stellinger, Henrik Isakson, Ingrid Berglund (VoxEU)
- If Virus Tests Were Sodas - Paul Romer
- Rebuilding better after Covid-19, part 1 - Martin Sandbu (FT)
- Europe's pandemic price tag to keep firms afloat - Simeon Djankov (PIIE)
- We can afford more stimulus William G Gale (Brookings)
- COVID-19 Challenges and Response: Cushioning the blow to Asian companies of the coronavirus crisis - Vivek Pathak (World Bank)
- Green bridges: Reconnecting Europe to avoid economic disaster - Bary Pradelski, Miquel Oliu-Barton (VoxEU)
- From Lockdown to Lock-In - Simon Johnson and Peter Boone (PS)
- A “New Deal” for Informal Workers in Asia - Era Dabla-Norris and Changyong Rhee (IMF)
- Piketty on the Covid-19 Crisis - ProMarket
- The Coronavirus Stimulus Package Is a Mess - Steven Rattner (NYTimes)
- ECB recalibrates targeted lending operations to further support real economy - ECB
- A Pledge for Africa - Abiy Ahmed (PS)
- Why the unemployed in America could face a lost decade - The Economist
- India May Have to Lift Its Coronavirus Lockdown - WSJ
- Record Contraction in Eurozone Bodes Ill for Global Economy - WSJ
- US jobless claims hit 30m on coronavirus lockdowns - FT
- Bangladesh starts to reopen clothing industry after lockdown - FT
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