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Showing posts from March, 2020

COVID-Economics Links (March 31)

Daily links on COVID-related content The West’s COVID-19 Learning Curve  - Daniel Gros (PS) Capitalism’s Triple Crisis  - Mariana Mazzucato (PS) How COVID-19 is laying bare inequality  - Bruegel The COVID-19 Solidarity Test  - Kemal Dervis (PS) South Asia shows new spirit of collaboration to fight COVID-19 pandemic  - World Bank Blogs Is COVID-19 triggering a new emerging-market crisis?  - Bruegel The Coronavirus Is the Biggest Emerging Markets Crisis Ever  - Adam Tooze (Foreign Policy) Emerging market central banks embark on radical stimulus policies  - Monitoring Real Activity in Real Time: The Weekly Economic Index - NY Fed Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker - Oxford University How Many Jobs Can be Done at Home? - Dingel and Neiman COVID, Fed swaps and the IMF as lender of last resort  - Levy Yeyati ( The Federal Reserve can do more for small businesses  - Brookings A timeline of central bank response...

COVID-Economics Links (March 30)

Daily links to COVID-Economics related content OECD Policy Tracker  - OECD Where does all the heterogeneity come from?  - Tyler Cowen The Stimulus Package Is Too Expensive and Poorly Targeted  - Seru and Zingales How Coronavirus Is Shaking Up the Moral Universe  - Jon Authers Manufacturers Seek U.S. Help in Deciding Where to Ship Scarce Medical Goods  - QE is not helicopter money – and yet it is useful  - Trump is missing the big picture on the economy  - Larry Summers Creating an EU ‘Corona Panel’: Standardised European sample tests to uncover the true spread of the coronavirus  - Daniel Gros How widespread is coronavirus in New York? We need to know  - EU backs bank rule delay to spur crisis lending  - Go-it-alone eurozone ‘coronabonds’ are worth the risk  - Wolfgang Munchau Does coronavirus herald capital controls? - The Road Back to Normal: More, Better Testing - The ...

COVID-Economics Links (March 29)

Daily links about the economic consequences of COVID including some proposals for policies COVID-19: China's exports of medical supplies provide a ray of hope - Chad Bown (PIIE) COVID-19 crisis: Fiscal policy should lead and the Bank of England should follow for the duration of the crisis - How business fared in its coronavirus quarter - What Will Be the Economic Impact of COVID-19 in the US? Rough Estimates of Disease Scenarios  - Atkeson (NBER WP) The Case for Lockdown: in Italy’s Lombardy, It Can Reduce Covid-19 Potential Fatalities from 160,000 to 25,000  - Carlo Favero Corona bonds – great idea but complicated in reality - Lorenzo Bini Smaghi (VoxEU) Weekend reading: Supporting and protecting workers during the coronavirus recession edition - Equitable Growth Britain needs to be crystal clear about belated virus strategy - Martin Wolf (FT) Lessons from Italy’s Response to Coronavirus - Testing People and Targeted Isolation: How to Save More Li...

COVID-Economics Links (March 28)

Daily links about the economic consequences of COVID including some new proposals for policies: Cross-country correlation analysis for research on COVID-19 - Viral protectionism in the time of coronavirus - World Bank Blog COVID-19: The economic policy response - Coronavirus and global finance - ECB orders banks to freeze dividends and share buybacks - The economic impact of coronavirus on UK businesses: Early evidence from the Decision Maker Panel - Future imperfect after coronavirus - How Africa’s Economies Can Hedge Against COVID-19 -  Ibrahim Assane Mayak Economic Policies to Combat COVID-19 in Africa - Celestin Monga Does India have enough doctors ? - Brookings Awakening in the post-pandemic world - Dennis J Snower, Brookings The IMF and COVID-19 - IMF Creating an EU ‘Corona Panel’: Standardised European sample tests to uncover the true spread of the coronavirus - Coronavirus Pushes Some Emerging Markets to...

COVID-Economics Links (March 27)

New daily list of links to articles about the economic consequences of COVID including some academic papers as well as proposals for policies: Macroeconomic nowcasting in times of Covid-19 crisis: On the usefulness of alternative data - Econbrowser Key Economic Facts About COVID-19 - Becker Friedman Institute After its COVID-19 emergency, Europe should issue joint recovery bonds - Jacob Funk Kirkegaard (PIIE) A user guide to COVID-19 - Pandemics Depress the Economy, Public Health Interventions Do Not: Evidence from the 1918 Flu - Correia, Luck and Verner Longer-run economic consequences of pandemics - Jorda, Singh and Taylor Bank of England warns of ‘very sharp’ economic downturn - Short-Term Yields Go Negative in Scramble for Cash - The coronavirus crisis is no 2008 - The Helicopters Are Coming - Willem Buiter IMF SDR: A Key tool for attacking COVID-19 in developing countries - Brookings Brexit not immune to Coronavirus - Brookings The Ra...

COVID-Economics Links (March 26)

Additional links about the economic consequences of COVID including some new proposals for policies: Fault lines in fiscal-monetary policy coordination - Coronavirus creates new role for US unemployment insurance - Getting COVID-19 financial relief to millions of Americans in need requires a multichannel strategy - PIIE EU solidarity in fighting COVID-19 - Introducing World vs Virus, a World Economic Forum Podcast - World Economic Forum Policy Responses to COVID-19 , IMF The new wartime economy in the era of coronavirus - COVID-19: A euro area safe asset and fiscal capacity are needed now - Coronavirus and the politics of a common fiscal instrument - Bruegel Nine eurozone countries issue call for ‘coronabonds’ - A Coordinated Response to COVID-19 - Lee Jong-Wha Where is the US government getting all the money it’s spending in the coronavirus crisis? - Brookings Eurozone leaders should use their existing tools - What ...

Coca-Cola Nearly Died Because of One Decision

Over $30 million down the drain — how it happened Coca-Cola’s decades of dominance would soon end. Through the 1940s and ’50s, it held more than 60% of the market. Pepsi had been around but they'd floundered, going bankrupt several times while attempting to sink their teeth into the market. However, by the 1970s, Pepsi had found its stride after several hit marketing campaigns. Where Coke’s primary demographic was older adults, Pepsi was winning over an expanding, younger demographic. By 1980, Pepsi was only trailing coke by 3%. This, unsurprisingly, made Coke very uncomfortable. They then did what one should never do when under pressure: overreact. Source: pic via Adage They changed the original recipe. But they hadn’t made this decision without favorable data. So what went wrong? The Crack in the Process Months earlier, Coca-Cola had begun “Project Kansas.” It sounds like a nuclear experiment but it was just a testing project for the new flavor. In individual surveys, th...

COVID-Economics Links (March 25)

Additional links about the economic consequences of COVID including some new proposals for policies: A Greater Depression? - Nouriel Roubini Coronavirus Data Gaps and the Policy Response to the Novel Coronavirus - James H Stock European bank regulators aren’t yet doing what it takes - I.Angeloni, Coronavirus: the economic cure - ‘Broad support’ for using eurogroup bailout fund in virus battle - U.S. economic policy principles for confronting the coronavirus recession - Equitable Growth Flattening the COVID-19 Curve in Developing Countries - Ricardo Hausmann Banks in pandemic turmoil - Nicolas Veron The robots are ready as the COVID-19 recession spreads , Brookings How our cities can reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic , Brookings Captured Western Governments Are Failing the Coronavirus Test , Luigi Zingales This pandemic is an ethical challenge , Martin Wolf, ‘Great liquidity crisis’ grips system as banks step back - The ESM must help again...

COVID-Economics Links (March 24)

Additional links about the economic consequences of COVID including some new proposals for policies. Covid Perpetual Eurobonds: Jointly guaranteed and supported by the ECB , Federal Reserve announces extensive new measures to support the economy  Federal Reserve Covid-19’s Economic Pain Is Universal. But Relief? Depends on Where You Live . NYTimes How long will the coronavirus slump last? - COVID-19 and the US economy: FAQ on the economic impact & policy response - Jay Shambaugh This Time Truly Is Different - Carmen Reinhart The economic (and political) effects of this coronavirus pandemic - Simon Wren-Lewis We may have to prepare for a longer coronavirus crisis - Laurence Boone Artificial intelligence in the fight against COVID-19 - Georgios Petropoulos Rapidly identifying workers who are immune to COVID-19 and virus-free is a priority for restarting the economy - Coronavirus: can the ECB’s ‘bazooka’ avert a eurozone crisis? - EU li...

COVID-Economics Links (March 23)

Links to additional articles about the COVID effects and potential economic policies The case for a coordinated COVID-19 response: No country is an island , Europe needs a new scale of stimulus — and cash not credit -  Wolfgang Munchau, How to prevent a covid-19 slump, and protect the recovery - The Economist Italian debt is sustainable - Olivier Blanchard When “Whatever It Takes” Isn’t Enough - Willem Buiter How Asia’s Life Insurers Could “Shelter-In-Place” - Brad Setser EU plans fiscal firepower boost to tackle coronavirus fallout - Real-time data show virus hit to global economic activity - Coronavirus threatens $32tn of Asia corporate debt - Only Multilateralism Can Save Us - Anne Krueger Fiscal Policy Still MIA - Tim Duy Kurzarbeit: a German export most of Europe wants to buy - Social Distancing Makes Sense Only With Extraordinary Fiscal Stimulus - Peter Orszag The ECB Must Finance COVID-19 Deficits - Paul de Grauwe The ...

COVID-economics links

Some recent links on economic consequences of COVID Germany tears up fiscal rule book to counter coronavirus pandemic Coronavirus: the moment for helicopter money  - Martin Sandbu, EU limits on medical gear exports put poor countries and Europeans at risk  - Chad Bown, PIIE Containing the economic nationalist virus through global coordination - Adam Posen, PIIE A proposal for a Covid Credit Line  - Four types of labor and the epidemic - Branko Milanovic Fiscal Policies to Protect People During the Coronavirus Outbreak - IMF Blog Keeping Business Alive: The Government as Buyer of Last Resort  - Saez and Zucman Flattening the Pandemic and Recession Curves  - Pierre Olivier Gourinchas What Should a Fiscal Response to a COVID-19 Outbreak Look Like? - Jay Shambaugh Coronavirus and macroeconomic policy  - Fornaro and Wolf Monetary and Financial Stability During the Coronavirus Outbreak   - Tobias Adrian Mitigating the COV...